The SAU-MSI is building the FRAME project on land it owns, in front of Boulevard Reyers, between the Diamant pre-metro station and the entrance to the RTBF, near the exit of the E40 motorway. Funded by the Brussels-Capital Region and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Frame will contribute to the region's desire to strengthen the media, audiovisual and communication sector.
Frame will constitute a new Brussels epicentre of these sector activities, bringing together in a single building of some 9,000 m² an entire creative ecosystem: regional television (BX1); co-working space and hub for specialised companies including shared equipment, etc.
FRAME will be a flagship building, a factor of attractiveness, one of the first new buildings and a prefiguration of mediapark.brussels. In short, the showcase of this new creative district of Brussels.
- In January 2017, the SAU-MSI launched a call for project developers for the construction of Frame.
- In April 2017, the SAU-MSI received 51 applications. Some of these multidisciplinary teams (architecture, stability, special techniques, acoustics, EPB coordination, health and safety coordination) were Belgian, others came from various European countries (France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Netherlands, etc.) and some were made up of international groups.
- In June 2017, the SAU-MSI shortlisted 5 teams among the 51 applications.
- In March 2018, the SAU-MSI named the project of the association Baukunst (Brussels) - Bruther (Paris), as the winner of the call for project designers for the construction of Frame. The construction budget amounts to €16 million excluding VAT, financed by the Brussels-Capital Region and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The French Community Commission of the Capital Region has also released nearly 3 million euros for the redeployment of BX1.
- In April 2020, the SAU-MSI obtained the building permit for Frame.
- In April 2021, the SAU-MSI appointed BAM Interbuild - Groven+ to build Frame.
- In July 2021, the construction works began. The building is expected to be completed and its occupants to move in in 2025.